The Greatest Gift

    Gratefulness is a superpower.Most of you are truly, deeply, ungrateful human beings.And God will punish you for it.Look at your functioning legs and arms, have you ever sat back and appreciated how beautiful that is?The ability to walk around, pick things up and act your will onto reality.You're lucky to have had parents that didn't fuck it up.Some kids are dropped when they're young.Fracturing bones and never recovering.Some kids have bacteria steal their eyesight as infants.Aren't you grateful for all the things you can read?Some of. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here



    Today at 11PM Bucharest / 9PM London / 4PM New YorkSometimes in War, it's best to smile and laugh with your friends. Will you join me?. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Powerful Lessons

    I've lived many thousands of years atop Wudan mountain.I remember every lived second.The lessons I've learned and the details I absorbed through my trials as I trained under Master Po can be found belowwww.cobratate.com/talesofwudan Use the wisdom wisely. - Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    DNG Explained

    Dictionary term DNGDefinitions from Top G Languages · DNGnoun Disgraced News Gatherer Deluded Narrative Generator Discredited News Guardian Dork. Nerd. Geek.- Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Dark Times

    Only in dark times is your soul malleable enough to truly forge.Dark times leave you disinterested in the external and obsessed with the internal.Coupled with an iron mind you can reform your core.You decide if from the hardship you emerge bitter or better.You decide if you emerge harder to kill.Be grateful for every hardship you have and will go through.They are transformative experiences,Events that are required to propel you to the next level of your own powers.If you're going through dark times,Enjoy it.Be excited.God put this hardship in. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    You’re next

    The legal limit to keep a man locked up without charge is 190 days.Today, on day number 186 - they have charged me with garbage and will ask a judge to retain the measure of house arrest and leave me locked in my house for up to 4 years.I have not been outside, or smelt freedom, for 186 days.Since Christmas.My crime? Nothing.They say I forced girls to make TikTok videos. It would be hilarious if my position wasn’t so frustrating.I am LOCKED UP because they say I forced girls to make TikToks and took. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Great War

    Who do you fight for?Everybody is fighting for something.If you're employed, you fight for your company.If you work hard to be in fantastic shape, you fight for your reputation. You fight to have control over the way others perceive you. If you tell the truth, even to your detriment, you're fighting for God. War is everywhere. Believe. And you are a combatant whether you like it or not. There are admirals like myself with massive influence and unknown footsoldiers - but the fact remains. Every move you make, every word you speak, every view you hold. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Matrix Agent

    Agents are everyone and no one.Sentient programs.They can move in and out of any software still hardwired to their system.Agents appear when the NPCs see a free mind.Mention the wrong idea to an NPC and they morph into an Agent to DEFEND The Matrix.Have you ever told someone you've been going to the gym 6x a week and had them reply it’s too much?Why do they care what you do?They change into an Agent.They want to defend The Matrix.Have you ever worked all day and had someone tell you. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The reason you aren’t happy

    We often dress our opportunities as stress, when they’re in fact blessings.For example -I GET to go to work. As opposed to I HAVE to go to work.At least you have a job.I GET to have a busy day. Feeling productive is beautiful.Etc.The reason I am a 4x kickboxing champion, multi-millionaire and most influential man on the planet isn’t because I was BORN this way.It’s because I decided to be this way.I could’ve got sad I was living in a council estate and ended up going down a. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Life is Chess

    Chess is life.The King's limited movement in chess represents limitations in life as a man.A Queen has unlimited movement because of her beauty.Party on a yacht? You gotta earn it. One square at a time.A Queen just jumps onboard.Rooks are your brothers.Bishops and Knights are friends.Pawns are staff.Pawns can become something greater through hard work alone.They’re also the most expendable.Sometimes they die and that’s ok.In chess.There is no luck. NONE.If you lose.Somewhere - at some point. You fucked up.Even if only a tiny. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here