An important question

    An important question It's important you ask yourself. What POSSIBLE advantage can there be to being a coward? When you decide to NOT fight for what you want. You lose the experience of fighting, You lose ANY CHANCE of getting what you want. The two MOST IMPORTANT things are lost, Experience and THE VERY THING YOU WANT itself. It's clear what's lost, So what do you gain? And how long do you need to think before you realize you gain nothing of value by being a coward? How long until you realize being brave is the safest. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives.…


    Rain Dance

    Rain Dance Wishing and hoping the universe does you a favor is the coward's prerogative. If I need rain to fall from the sky. I'll get up and do a rain dance. Regardless of how unlikely the effects are. ANYTHING is better than sitting and hoping. Most of you are sitting and wishing for your life to change, You are sitting and wishing for rain to fall. All while you live a reality with actions you can take which are far more effective than a rain dance. I don't know what you're waiting for. - Tate Don. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives.…



    SPARTAN II It's been two months since we started the experimental CHAMPIONS program inside The Real World. I got the report on my desk this morning of the progress of each of the 100 participants, And it is amazing what happens when will meets capability. 2 Months of time and every participant in our system is already miles ahead of where they once were. Stronger, richer, better connected, more capable. Concrete PROOF that if someone wants to change their life, they can. LIGHTNING FAST. 65 days of training. 65 days of work under the mentorship and guidance of absolute. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs…


    Fighting Zombies

    Fighting Zombies Why half do something? Even the smallest most bullshit task that will never help you, If you do meaningless work while watching a podcast, it takes you 40 minutes. If you focus ENTIRELY on the task it takes you 10 minutes. You have a choice. So why half do it? You're just spending MORE TIME doing a MEANINGLESS ACTIVITY. "But Tate, I got to half listen to a cool podcast" SO?!?!?! YOU SPENT AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES ON GARBAGE. And this applies to EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO. The world of smartphones has made it possible to. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs…


    Networking Magic

    Networking Magic Networking is actually a very simple concept. It's not magic, it's not rocket science. Anyone I endorse - who turns out to be a moron - reflects badly on me. Anyone I endorse - who turns out to be extremely competent - reflects well on me. When you prove you're not a dickhead, When you display ABSOLUTE competence. You'll get connections, referrals, whatever you want. Displayed competence IS the essential ingredient. This is the main barrier people face when "networking". They don't effectively convey competence in a way that makes people comfortable risking their reputation on them. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs…



    Heartbreak Heartbreak is a cornerstone of the masculine experience. Every man experiences it at least once in his life. And every man needs to understand this very basic principle to deal with it correctly. A woman's revenge is 4 dicks, 2 festivals, a bunch of parties and acting drunk on Instagram stories. A man's revenge is money, mindset, physical power and status. Hers is instant. His takes a while. But only one of them leads to a positive outcome. Only one of them truly wins in the end. - Tate Don't want to receive these e-mails? Unsubscribe. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives.…


    Your Problem

    Your Problem You don't control anything in this world, outside of how you react to it. YOU DECIDE how you view the world, And that decision makes all the difference in where you end up. For example - I GET to go to work. As opposed to I HAVE to go to work. At least you have a job. You GET to have a busy day and feeling productive is beautiful. I could have viewed myself living in a council estate as destined to fail. Instead, I viewed it as a blessing, I was GRATEFUL for being able to see. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top…


    The Truth

    The Truth If it was easy, you wouldn't want it. So get back to work. - Tate Don't want to receive these e-mails? Unsubscribe. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Bar of Usefulness

    The Bar of Usefulness The game always gets harder. You can see this in war, investing, business, sport. In any competitive game. The level of competency required to be useful only increases. And it's very simple why, As time went on, the players had more time to learn, practice and play the game. A strategy that was hyper-competitive 1 year ago, might not be the best strategy today. Time has increased the standard of competitiveness. It's important to understand this because unfortunately for the lazy, LIFE is a competition. If you do not get better at life. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives.…


    The Greatest Liar

    The Greatest Liar Every man should have at least a shallow idea of who they are. Every man should know where he stands in REALITY. How else is a man to improve himself? The mind is amazing at its ability to lie to itself. Are you lying to yourself? Are you actually STRONG? Are you ACTUALLY kind? Charming? Well-connected? Are you financially competent? Do you ACTUALLY understand how this world works? Everyone thinks they know, and everyone thinks they are okay, above average, or AT WORST only a bit behind. But that's not reality. Not enough people see. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter…