Walking through Hell

    Walking through Hell Eventually, you work so hard that laziness becomes foreign. You train so often that missing a day doesn't cross your mind. You do so much good that the thought of doing evil disgusts you. Eventually, you win so much. That winning is all you know. Losing becomes impossible. You just need the tenacity to get to that point, So keep trying. Eventually, it all becomes as effortless as breathing air. - Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Stormy Sea

    The Stormy Sea I don't think many understand how quickly the world is falling apart. Every single person with a global influence is worried and losing sleep. You are tucked up in bed snoring, we are AWAKE. Your comfort relies on us huge names to fight for your freedoms, and we are in group chats in the middle of the night discussing exactly how fucked it all is. We realize how fucked it is and we're trying to come up with ways to fix it. You are on a ship in stormy seas. You look at the crew. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter…



    2024 The Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. His crime? Not censoring you. He failed to comply with the French government's demands to "moderate harmful content". What most of you do not FULLY understand. Is that this is THE YEAR. 2024 is THE YEAR that changes the world forever. This is the year where everything matters. The attacks on Free Speech and any serious influence on this world is only just beginning. Assassination attempt on Trump? Not even the tip of the iceberg of how far they will go. I warned you all when this year. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs…


    The Road

    Every day you have a choice.You have a choice on which road you will go down,A choice on which future you want for yourself and everybody around you.You get to choose what you spend your time on today.You can continue down the plain old road you're on, spending your time as you normally do.Or,You can be heroic and go down an epic road.You can meet heroes and actually have a life story which is interesting.Every day that you make the wrong choice, more of your potential is wasted.I am here. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Is this normal?

    All humans adapt to their environment.It is both a blessing and a curse."Normal" is a very powerful concept.To me, It's normal to be big, strong, rich, well-spoken, famous.It's my normal.To be anything less or more, would feel out of place.When I was in Jail,I made a very conscious decision to not allow it to become "normal"I fought the natural human instinct,Because I know just how crippling it can be.Normal leads to acceptance,Acceptance leads to inaction.And only action changes lives.Look around yourself,What is your. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Tick Tock.

    AI is genuinely amazing.You can create beautiful works of art within a few minutes or hours when it would normally take you years.I'm not an artist,But within a few minutes, I could make you a photo of me, as a Roman gladiator, fighting in the arena.I could SHOW you my 5,000 years atop Wudan, all the stories and lessons I learned in my studies.Any design,Art,Video,You can create it within minutes or a few hours.The business world is changing in real-time and as a man, it is incredibly exciting. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Young Kings.

    Young Kings.Life, much like War, is a team sport.Be sure to have good friends around you.You won't go far  - Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Greatest Sin

    Young Kings.There is no sin greater than betrayal.There is no other act as universally despised by mankind. Only your friends can betray you.Your enemies cannot.Your enemies can only attack you,and attacks can be prepared for.Attacks can be defended against.Treachery is so dangerous in that it strikes at your absolute weakness while you are completely unprepared.The only defense against it is to live a life without a single drop of brotherhood.Treachery can only be defended against by living a life not worth living.Treachery can affect anyone.And this is why the. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Greatest Gift

    Gratefulness is a superpower.Most of you are truly, deeply, ungrateful human beings.And God will punish you for it.Look at your functioning legs and arms, have you ever sat back and appreciated how beautiful that is?The ability to walk around, pick things up and act your will onto reality.You're lucky to have had parents that didn't fuck it up.Some kids are dropped when they're young.Fracturing bones and never recovering.Some kids have bacteria steal their eyesight as infants.Aren't you grateful for all the things you can read?Some of. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here



    Today at 11PM Bucharest / 9PM London / 4PM New YorkSometimes in War, it's best to smile and laugh with your friends. Will you join me?. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here