History is felt

    Pivotal moments in history are only felt in hindsight.It's only looking back, after seeing the outcome, can a person truly realize the impact of the event.Without hindsight, it just seems like normal life.Many men in history have experienced and looked at world-shaping events.And it felt normal to them.Just another day, the event interesting and new, certainly an experience.But if you went back in time and asked them if that event would change the world for centuries to come.They'd say no.But, with hindsight, we realize.The onlookers and observers were. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Beginning.

    They want me to be quiet or lie.They said they will destroy my life if I told the truth.But I decided to trust God and confront The Matrix.My first interview since incarceration is now live with PBD.I need your prayers.Watch to understand why: Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Suffer better

    The Prophet (PBUH) suffered.Jesus suffered.God bestowed suffering upon them.How can you believe that you are above suffering?God will never see you as better than his prophets.IF they suffered, you MUST suffer.You cannot escape it. You can only become good at it.I am very good at suffering.I know exactly how to do it.I suffer quickly and efficiently. I learn and process the lessons without delay.I do not prolong the necessary.I sit and I pay attention, I learn and I DO NOT repeat the mistake.Most of you suffer more than. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Combined manpower

    The most under-utilized asset people have is basic manpower.Two men on a money mission.Combining powers - is worth 4 men on their own. Your brothers, cousins, friends, anyone. 5 men. Move into ONE house. POOL incomes. You’ll be buying houses in a few months.This is how immigrant families from India came to the UK 50 years ago and now own the entire street.Men COMBINING forces.My brother and I moved in together broke and are now multi-millionaires. Combined power.Trying and doing it on your own is hard. You and your team. 3 full. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Aikido is the only way

    Aikido is the only way to defeat an all-powerful enemy.Because you cannot out-power the all-powerful.Every time you've seen me bash a dent into The Matrix,Understand,I am using Aikido.Aikido means to use the enemies’ own power against them.Only Aikido can do the impossible.David versus Goliath.The Matrix is all-powerful and growing in power every single day.It's more powerful than ever before.The Internet, mass surveillance, the cashless society, payment processors, banks, and cloud services.Now coming, AI.It's a powerful force, growing in power every day. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Video Games and Life

    Life as a man is not a walk in the's like a video game.You start from nothing, zero, valueless.But you do not need to end that way.Every day you have 24 hours worth of experience points to spendand every day you get to choose what skills to spend it on.THE REAL WORLD Overlord upgrade is coming.We have completely revolutionized how money-making skills are taught to make it as enjoyable as a video game.Combining new AI technology, old-school fundamental business principles and our new learning platform improvements,THE REAL WORLD. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Greatness and pain

    Do you want to become Great?Don't just answer "yes" like most people.Genuinely think about what Greatness entails and what it looks like.How much sacrifice, risk, effort and pain did the exceptional men of the world have to go through to get there?Think about all the hardships required to become exceptional.All the negatives that come with the path to Greatness.Think about all of it.Take 30 seconds to envision it all, the PAIN and RISK.Now, answer the question.Do you want to become Great?YES OR NO.Reply to this email with your. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The War you ignore

    There is a War happening in the world.Good versus Evil.You ignore the signs because you do not want to accept what that means.But the War is raging on.And you are running out of time.The Matrix agenda is being pushed ruthlessly and relentlessly to the masses.They are telling you down is up and up is down.Good men are evil,Evil men are good.They censor the truth to the maximum of their abilities.They do not play fair.They attack web hosting, domain names, banking infrastructure, payment processing, EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.It's not about. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Glass Prison

    The Matrix imprisons you subtly,In ways you would never notice until you tried to break free.You're encircled by glass walls you will never notice until you bump into one.Most people never complain about banks,They never complain about regulations,They never complain about server up times, payment processing.They never complain about their card payment not going through, even when they have the money.They have nothing to complain about because they aren't performing actions that could break them free.Did you know certain banks do not allow you to purchase entry into THE REAL. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The power of masculine competition

    The house record on the stairs machine was 189 in 30 mins set by a WAR ROOM member.I smashed it with 198 floors.WR member got up, went directly after me and set 203. I was champ for 30 short minutes. Now I'm resting so I can go again. I can't take the L. . . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here