The perfect emotion

    I don’t believe emotional suppression is an admirable quality.X amount of emotional energy will exist within your consciousness each day.Do not fight it.Some days you’ll feel things very strongly, some days not feel much at all.However, emotional selection is a superpower.If you have the power to decide WHICH emotion you feel each day you have a distinct advantage.There are days when it’s very advantageous to feel angry or sad.Happy is rarely productive.I only select happy on special occasions, usually for the benefit of those around me.THIS IS THE. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    BBC failed.

    There's been an important shift in power that The Matrix refuses to acknowledge. They can't fully censor information anymore. Main Stream Media organizations abused their place and power, They lied one too many times. They did one too many cover-ups. Where was the BBC's outrage when Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris were grooming, raping and molesting young girls for decades? Where was THE TRUTH SEEKING when it went against their interests? The BBC and MSM are not after the truth, and they lost the faith of the people and haven't even realized it yet. The. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Waiting isn’t working

    Seeds of doubt grow into forests of inaction.The more you wonder what if, the less you do.The less you do, the more others have done in comparison to you.And then you lose.If you sit and wait nothing will change.Reacting to stress, living with strain.Looking for the sun while soaked in the rain.Next Monday you will do it again.New job and new money...You do abstain.Afraid to act.Sit and refrain.Your hopes and dreams go down the drain.Next Monday you will do it again...Departing money station you'll miss. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Us vs Them

    "Not everyone can be great" is cope.Life is competition.Everything you want, someone else wants it too.Not everyone can be a millionaire, not everyone can have the beauty queens, not everyone can be happy.It's a competition.But there can be many winners.There are 8 billion people on this planet and there are over 20 million millionaires.There's enough room for every one of you reading this to become one of those millionaires.It's not you versus the world.It's us versus THEM.When I tell you AI adoption is required to be. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Surrounded by killers

    Lone wolves are never champions.I’ve always had people around me, I spent all my time around KILLERS.My coach, brother, friends, EVERYONE I associated with.I had something to learn from.Because loners never succeed.They have no guidance and learn everything the slowest way possible.Learning from books like a geek.And from trial and error for decades.Ask yourself, who do you speak to daily?Do you want their life?YES OR NO.If not, ignore them completely.If yes, talk to them as much as you can.Spend your time speaking to people whose wives. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    The Legend of THE JADE TIGER

    During my training atop Wudan, I heard whispers about the story of THE JADE TIGER.A story reserved for the graduation of Wudan.After 500 years of training, after 500 years of absolute obedience, Po himself would sit and recite the story for the worthy adepts.I had once witnessed it from afar, the mannerisms, the hand movements.It would take one full day from sunrise to sunset.THE JADE TIGER contained the final lessons needed to make a mark upon the world.The final study and instruction to be indestructible, as was Po himself.The finishing education for a. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here



    If you are reading this, you are in serious trouble.The world is a competition, the most competent gets the most money.But up until this point,You were only ever competing against other humans,you only had to be better than the average guy to live above average.That's all changing.AI is becoming a benchmark.If you're not as competent as AI, you're useless.You can't just be better than the other lazy losers of the world.If you want to be rich, you need to be BRILLIANT now.The wealth gap is going. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Bravery is the difference

    A brave man with good guidance will never stay impoverished.A coward with good guidance is doomed to slavery.You're reading this, so you have access to everything you need.But do you have the bravery to take action? - Tate. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Are you crisis-proof?

    I made millions.I have the strongest network of individuals on the planet.I private jet everywhere.And all my family and friends have documents to travel anywhere on the planet at any time.I've seen SLAVERY coming for YEARS.I became rich.I networked with the best.I created a system to find other like-minded men.I’ve been working on this problem coming for YEARS.And now,It’s solved.I’ve solved it for myself and my network.I’m going to change absolutely NOTHING about the upcoming enslavement.Those without any money or network. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here