Lesson from Jail #16

    My cell is spotless.Absolutely organized and optimized.It's out of principle.Out of habit.Professionalism is a life choice.Sloppiness in one area of life results in sloppiness in all areas of your life.Sloppiness is a mindset.When you live your life in constant mess and disorganization.How can you expect to be a professional at anything else?You can’t even get your life in order.How are you going to conquer earth?You don’t even walk professionally.Genuinely.When you walk anywhere, are you moving as smoothly as possible to get from point A. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Message from Jail #15

    It is extremely important as a man that you become rich. Because money is power. And power is required in the never-ending battle against evil. Dedicate yourself to God and become as rich as possible. Every day in this cell, I train. I work. I write. I prepare for my release. Every one of you must be doing the same. Train hard. Work hard. Become as powerful as possible. Do not get outperformed by me in a cell. This is your golden opportunity to catch up. The battle against evil is never-ending. If you are on the forces. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter…


    Carrying Thoughts

    For the first 1000 years atop Wudan mountain,I was tasked with fetching water from the stream at its base.The walk would take many days,and occasionally Master Po would accompany me and ask me questions about Zen.This particular night, as we approached the stream,stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.She was standing,unable to cross a puddle of mud in fear of staining her Pearl silk robe.I was always warned to stay away from beautiful women.They distract you from inner rage.They tame your soul with sparkling eyesand it is impossible. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Lesson from Jail #13

    Energy Transfer is a very real thing. Energy is everything. The sheer amount of brain calories burnt thinking about a certain topic or goal. THAT is what can truly cause cracks in the universe. I feel all your outrage. and it far outweighs the pleasure experienced by my haters. Everyday. There is a net positive generation of energy toward my message and cause. I may suffer now But in the end. Justice will prevail. Every one of you on my side, I feel your energy. The future will be glorious. I look forward to it. Will I recognize you?


    Lesson from Jail #12

    If I asked you who you would like to be in your ideal life. Would the answer be who you are now? YES OR NO. "I wanted to be a fighter, an astronaut, a firefighter, a billionaire, but instead I'm an accountant." THEN YOU ARE A COWARD. You KNEW what you wanted to be. But you didn't even TRY to become it. Maybe you'll have never succeeded in being a fighter pilot, professional fighter, or billionaire. But if you TRIED as hard as you could. You'd likely have been in more planes, more fights, and run. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe…


    Lessons from Jail #11

    Don’t take mindset tips from the happy man.Take them from the depressed miserable man who performs exceptionally.Everybody can preach positivity in the sunshine.A CHILD can be happy when things are going well.I learned mindset from my kickboxing coach as he cried telling me stories of the genocide in Bosnia.As my father held his fractured face together.I paid attention to his words.These are LESSONS.THIS IS MINDSET.Everyone can smile in the club.Smile when your nose is broken.THAT’S A MAN.Most men are living life on easy mode.Talking about. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Message from Jail #10

    I can feel your energy. They have extended my imprisonment another 30 days in an attempt to break me. But they misunderstand, I cannot be broken because they need to break all of us first. Top G is an idea. You cannot lock it up. It's the idea that men should strive to be their best selves. That they should be strong, honorable, and diligent. All of my content, All of my messages, Are designed to light the suppressed fire in every man. A fire society often tries to extinguish. You shouldn't be content being average. You should. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter…


    Lesson from Jail #9

    God puts hardship in your path to give you an opportunity to show him just how strong you can be.Martin Luther King Jr.Malcolm X.Nelson Mandela.Serving Jail time with full innocence is a badge of honor.I serve my time understanding this,It's a test.It's an opportunity.It has been over 5,000 years since I last spent 96 hours straight practicing the Ki-zami-zuki technique.Many of you reading this right now may be suffering hardship.Life as a man will always be full of it.I send you these letters to. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here


    Lesson from Jail #8

    Jail brings clarity.All there is to do is think about how reality works.No man became a World Level Opponent on "accident"Excellence doesn't just magically happen.It's not smooth,It's not easy.It doesn't just fall into place.It is INTENTIONAL.You will not meet who you NEED to meet by accident.You will not have everything you want in life naturally.You must WILL it into existence through sheer grit.You don't just magically make it to the winner’s table.You pave your way in.The idea that passivity works is. . . Please subscribe to gain full access to Top Gs Newsletter archives. Subscribe here